Hello from sunny AZ!! This week has been golden!! Not just because of the sun but the people!
We have been working with 1 investigator and since I got here we haven't had any luck in finding anyone new to teach. After 8 weeks of being here, working hard, and searching high and low... WE FOUND AN ABSOLUTE GOLDEN INVESTIGATOR. GREAT things are coming to pass!
His name is Donald and he practically fell into our hands. Lary (the texan cowboy convert) texted us before our lesson and said change of plans, can you teach the restoration? So confused we said sure??? Once we got there he explained that his son in law was back in the picture and wanted to learn more!! 5 minutes into our lesson Donald bore his testimony of his love of our savior and set his own baptism date!!!! WHAT. this is the kind of situation missionaries dream about and I am so lucky to be apart of his conversion! Saturday we had a church tour with him and the spirit was incredibly strong as he shared his reasoning behind investigating. ALL SUCH GREAT THINGS! He came to church on Sunday too!! And Blake he is from Ohio:)
The Knight Family:
On Monday we had an FHE with a part member family the Knights. The dad is from england and has the coolest accent, he is the non member in the family. So right before we got there there was this huge fight with the dad and the son. We sat down with the younger son and the parents and just talked for a while. Bro Knight is an engineer and when they first moved to tucson he owned a guitar tune up shop- the only one down here that fender guitars would let work on their guitars. Because he was an engineer he came up with these crazy cool ways to fix things and was so good about it.They have a ton of really cool guitars at their house and the pool is even shaped like a guitar!! the lesson we had planned was the restoration but we had 2 activities that were all about family bonding. So finally the older son came out and we had this activity where one person was blind folded and was trying to eat this donuts tied to a string and there we 2 people telling him what to do: one leading to the donuts and one away- it was so funny!! Then we had this activity where we wrote things about the apostasy on the outside of balloons and tied them to their ankles. They had to pop each other balloons to figure out what was on the inside that was restored. It was so funny to watch them run around trying to pop the balloons! after brother knight got a little teary eyed as we bore our testimonies of families and the blessings we have in them because of the restoration. he even said that he has never had so much fun with missionaries before and he has been taught by a ton of missionaries before (i hope this means we can come back)! I can tell that his heart is softening by these small and simple things.
Peter Pan:
Friday While we were cleaning we saw this little boy about 6 years walking down the street with a little rolling suit case, some flippers, and a rolled up yoga mat. He was running away from home haha!! We began talking to him about where he was going and why he ran away then he unrolled his handy dandy yoga mat bed and started showing us yoga moves he learned in his kindergarten class like 'the dog' and 'the warrior' hahah. Then soon enough up drive his parents and he promptly told us he wasn't going home and he never wanted to grow up. His parents said he had been watching a little too much home alone. It was so cute and so funny!
District Blitz
i finally got to go knock doors for my first time ever! Most the people were really nice to us, some just saw our name tags are were like oh not interested and shut the door so sinking fast. haha. Another missionary said that when people would do that to him he would say "oh wait were selling organic tree frogs!" and sometimes people would laugh at that and let him talk so we were going to try this out but no luck so far getting people to listen haha...
General Women's Conference was amazing!!! If you didn't get a chance to listen to it, do so now! One of my favorite talks was giving by Sister Bonnie H. Cordon. She focused her talk on
Proverbs 3: 5-6
5 ¶ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
This includes 1. A warning: lean not unto thine own understanding 2. A promise: He shall direct they paths
When we lean we move to one side or the other and as a result are off balanced. If we can trust in the Lord and acknowledged him always we will stay balanced and centered on Christ. As you do this you will come to know the Savior and nothing in this world can defeat us.
I am so grateful for this gospel and the balance it brings to my life. I know that when I am truly trusting in the Lord I feel grounded and that sense of equilibrium keeps me diligent and joyful! I am filled with gratitude and love for each of you and I hope you never doubt the influence you have on me and many others!
Love, Sister Carter
~Stay balanced and centered on Christ ~![]()
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